House of Pinocchio

House of Pinocchio

at C&H gallery

Tweede Kostverlorenkade 50, 1053 SB Amsterdam


Opening: 3 September 2016, 17:00 to 19:00 hrs.

The exhibition will be on view through October 8, 2016.

With House of Pinocchio, Vittorio Corsini presents his latest sculptures, in which he reflects on architecture as a place where individuals define and fulfill themselves. His work seems to always be suspended between the promise and impossibility of inhabiting a space. This contradiction is apparent in his visual language; he combines fragile materials with durable ones, and plays with the opposition between outside and inside.

Corsini combines one huge aluminum piece, hanging from the ceiling, with several smaller sculptures of glass and marble in this show. All works are in one way or another ‘open’ houses: their walls are either totally see-through or literally folded down. By revealing the interior space of these buildings, Corsini reflects upon the illusionary distinction between inside and outside. Any visual obstacles are taken away, allowing the eye to flow freely through the house. For all their perceived openness, however, these rooms can never be occupied. The unfolded walls of the hanging sculpture leave nothing but emptiness, while the space within the glass houses can’t be entered because a slab of marble closes up their only open side.

Corsini prefers to work with glass because its transparency and fragility reflect the precarious condition of dwelling itself. Glass has, in fact, always been a material loved for the care and attention it requires. The interior evoked within Corsini’s glass walls becomes the site of a perceptual projection, rather than an actual experience. The same can be said of his hanging sculpture, as the aluminum walls diminish the building to an accumulation of surfaces. Corsini reduces the interior space to its perimeters, to the abstract boundaries, to outlines that are at once tangible and fragile.


C&H gallery – Amsterdam

Tweede Kostverlorenkade 50, 1053 SB Amsterdam
Gallery hours: Wed-Sat 13-18 and by appointment.
T +31 20 753 09 64,